Summer Library Program Registration Child's Name Required Age in September 2023 Required Grade in September 2023 Required Disabilities, Allergies, or Special Needs Parent/Guardian Name Required Phone Number Required E-Mail Address (We will be using e-mail to send you any updates or information you need regarding the summer library program.) Required CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS! We are always looking for eager volunteers to help with our programming. If you can help us this summer, please complete this section. If you are interested in provided cookies/snacks one or more days which date(s) can you provide them? Would you like to assist during the summer reading sessions and if so, at which date(s) can you help? Photo Release Please use the option below to grant permission to the Sidney Public Library to use photographs taken of your child during the Summer Library Program 2023, to publicize and promote the Library and its programs. Understand that photos may appear on the Sidney Public Library web site, Facebook page, or in other official library publications and displays without further consideration or compensation and the library has the right to crop or treat the photograph at its discretion. Do you grant permission for the library to use photos take of your child? Required YES, the library may publish photos of my child. NO, please do not publish photos of my child. Submit