Digital Sign Policy



Scope and Purpose


The purpose of the digital sign is to communicate messages to the community in a visually compelling and flexible way.  Library, school and community events and news are publicized through scrolling messages that incorporate text.




As joint owners, Sidney Public Library with Sidney Community School District are responsible for producing the content displayed on the digital screen, as well as for managing the technical and procedural elements of the digital sign program.


Content Submission


Proposed content for the digital sign should be submitted to the Sidney Public Library at least one week before the intended display date.  Content submissions and questions can be sent via email to  For submissions not meeting the deadline, the library will make every attempt to accommodate the request.


 To submit a message, a requestor must provide relevant details (event, date, time) as well as the time frame for the message to appear on the sign.  Digital displays usually stay up for only 4-10 seconds, so long messages are not appropriate.


 Advertisement of commercial products or services is prohibited.  The library reserves the right to reject any material submitted that is deemed unsuitable for display.  Unsuitable material includes messages that contain obscenities or profanities, or messages promoting hatred, violence, or discrimination.


Adopted: 2010

Revised: 4/2021